All will display the same data and are synchronized with the Outline view. 所有这些视图都显示相同的数据,也和Outline视图保持同步。
The Ruby perspective also features an outline view, similar to the one offered by the Java perspective. Ruby透视图还提供一个大纲视图,这与Java透视图提供的大纲视图相似。
You have seen how to create activities and other structural elements using the main menus and toolbar, and how to define additional elements using the Outline view. 您已经看到了如何使用主菜单和工具栏创建活动及其他结构元素,还看到了如何使用Outline视图定义额外的元素。
Quick Outline view provides all the functionality of Outline view without needing the view to occupy your screen. 快速概要视图将提供概览视图的所有功能,而无需占据屏幕区域。
And of course, you can always use drag and drop in the Outline view, too. 当然,您也可以总是在Outline视图中使用拖放功能。
The code outline view is a powerful tool for helping you understand how your code is structured. 代码大纲视图是帮助您了解如何构造代码的强大工具。
The outline view highlights the area that is visible in the main viewer. outline视图强调显示了主查看器中可见的区域。
Outline view& More detailed, with support for local variables. 大纲视图&更详细,支持局部变量。
Initially, there are two other views in the Resource perspective& an Outline view below the Navigator, and a Task view below the main editor area. 最初,Resource透视图中还有其他两个视图&Navigator下的Outline视图和主编辑器区域下的Task视图。
Add a new sibling element: Select an element in the Outline view and click Enter. 添加一个新的同级元素:选择Outline视图中的一个元素并单击Enter。
Select the greet() method by right-clicking its name in the editor or in the Outline view. 从选择greet()方法开始,可以通过在编辑器或Outline视图中右击其名称来完成。
Intdebug is added to the Outline view, and the part opens ready for editing. intdebug被添加到Outline视图中,并且该部件已被打开并准备被编辑。
Outline view& A more-detailed look at the outline view and how you can use it. 大纲视图&更详细地查看大纲视图,并了解如何使用该视图。
Outline view is useful because it lets you easily jump to methods in your Java file. 概览视图十分有用,因为它可以让您轻松地跳到Java文件中的方法。
Containers and partners are both defined within the process element via the outline view. 容器和伙伴都通过outline视图在process元素中进行定义。
The outline view is used for both navigational and limited editing purposes. 大纲视图用于导航和有限的编辑用途。
To activate Quick Outline view from inside your editor, press Ctrl+ O. 要从编辑器内激活快速概要视图,请按Ctrl+O组合键。
You may have noticed that when you selected a method in the Outline view and the Hierarchy view, the class of the selected object was not always the same. 您可能已经注意到,当您在Outline视图和Hierarchy视图中选择了一个方法时,所选对象的类并非总是相同的。
The outline view window shows the structure of the elements in your document. 提纲视图窗口显示文档中元素的结构。
An Outline view is available to explore the inner elements of a Java class. Outline视图用于探究Java类的内部元素。
The Outline view, below the Navigator, presents an outline of the document in the editor. Navigator下面的Outline视图在编辑器中显示文档的大纲;
Again, use the green visual indicator and the outline view to position the box. 同样地,使用这个绿色的可视指示器以及outline视图来定位这个box。
The Outline view initially shows a thumbnail view of the entire diagram. Outline视图开始时显示了整个图的缩略图。
The Outline view should display the structure of the build script. Outline视图可以显示出构建脚本的结构。
So, you can't add a container element to the process element from the toolbar or menu; this can be done later in the Outline view of the process element. 因此,您不能通过工具栏或菜单向process元素添加container元素;将来,您可以在process元素的Outline视图中完成这个操作。
These controls change the appearance of the entire visual display-Normal view, Page Layout view, and Outline view. 这些控件改变整个视觉显示的外观,即正常视图、页面布局和大纲视图。
Create a New Slide Show, Edit Slides, Use the Outline View, Create an Organization Chart, Create a Presentation and Summary Slide. 创建一新的幻灯片放映方式,编辑幻灯片,使用大纲查看,创建组织图表,创建报告型和总结型幻灯片。
Word cannot search for paragraph marks in outline view. 在大纲视图中,word无法搜索段落标记。
The standard outline view in Eclipse show the structure of the current document. Eclipse标准大纲视图显示的是当前文档的文档结构。
The Outline View presents a graphical hierarchy of the report design and illustrates the report element to container relationship. 大纲视图展示了报表设计的图形化继承体系,同时说明了报表元素与容器的关系。